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CIW Site Designer

CIW Site Designer Curriculum Part 1-5

Course Overview
This curriculum introduces Web design concepts, page layout, usability, navigation, graphics and multimedia. Other topics covered include Web technologies, Web site development tools, basics of using Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia DreamWeaver and Allaire HomeSite, JASC Paint Shop, in addition to advanced Web design technologies and concepts, including XML, HTTP servers, cookies, plug-ins, Java applets, databases and standards organizations. This curriculum consists of five courses:
CIW Site Designer Part 1: Web Design Concepts and Site Development
CIW Site Designer Part 2: Basic Web Technologies
CIW Site Designer Part 3: Using FrontPage, DreamWeaver and HomeSite
CIW Site Designer Part 4: Using Paint Shop Pro, Flash, JavaScript and DHTML
CIW Site Designer Part 5: Advanced Web Technologies and Web Site Publishing

Learn To
• Explain and implement Web design concepts, including page layout, multimedia, font and color selection, graphic images, audience usability, file hierarchy, and navigation.
• Manage Web site development processes.
• Develop a Web strategy with goals and tactics to support it, and implement techniques such as mindmapping and site metaphor concepts.
• Select and implement basic Web technologies, such as HTML tables and frames, metadata, and Cascading Style Sheets.
• Use Web production applications and tools to create and manage pages and sites, create animated GIFs, edit graphic image files, and create multimedia files.
• Describe and implement advanced Web technologies, including scripting languages, Dynamic HTML, Extensible Markup Language (XML), server-side technologies, Java applets, and plug-ins.
• Describe the functions of Web servers, server administration ports, cookies, databases, and database management systems.
• Identify the Internet governing organizations.
• Understand how to research Internet standards and register a domain name.
• Complete development of a functional Web site.
• Compare in-house Web site hosting to hosting with an Internet Service Provider.
• Publish sites to the Web using various tools and techniques.

CIW E-Commerce Designer
1D0-425: CIW E-Commerce Designer

CIW E-Commerce Designer Curriculum Part 1-5

Course Overview
This curriculum presents learners with instruction on e-commerce designer foundations. Topics covered include e-commerce foundations, B2B frameworks and law and the Internet, Web marketing goals and online product marketing. Additionally, the learner will be given an overview of marketing goals and strategies, site usability, consumer service methods, and site management.

This curriculum consists of five courses:
– CIW E-Commerce Designer Part 1: Foundations
– CIW E-Commerce Designer Part 2: Product Marketing
– CIW E-Commerce Designer Part 3: Site Usability
– CIW E-Commerce Designer Part 4: Site Implementation
– CIW E-Commerce Designer Part 5: Transaction Management